Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So Kim W. told me that if I was going to have a pregnancy countdown ticker on my blog, there should also be 'bump pictures'. Here you go, Kim. I've never taken bump pictures, so it's a first for me. I even wore my 'big marshmallow' shirt for the occasion!

Well really, how many pictures did you expect to see? A bump is a bump is a bump. She's in there or 'inn-air' as Logan would say. Carter is still adamant that there is not a baby in Mom's tummy; it's just food but he does acknowledge that we will be having a baby girl join us soon. Carter says her name is 'Charlie'. No offence meant to all the Charlie's out there, but 'Charlie' is not a name that I want to stick!

1 comment:

Kimberly White said...

Hooray for a bump picture! You look beautiful! Joel called the baby "stinky pete" when Olivia was inside! That hasn't stuck thank goodness!


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